Page 1 - Reviews - Tylers Coffees, Organic Coffee, Whole Bean, Regular, 12 oz - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 2, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

I've been drinking Tyler's acid free coffee for maybe 8-10 years or so now. it used to be only available from their website (to which I'm still subscribed for monthly bags of coffee, but sometimes I run out early, which is how I ended up buying it from iherb). I have acid reflux issues (GERD), and have weaned myself off of proton pump inhibitors after being on them non-stop beginning at age 15 (due to a very severe H-pylori infection and the long-term damage it caused) til age 30something, when I started suspecting I was having nutrition malabsorption issues as a result of the years of PPIs), so I can't have regular coffee (wayyyy too acidic for me). I've always been a true coffee lover (since I was a very small child), so when the PPIs eventually stopped working as well (eventually they all do), I had to quit drinking coffee altogether, which made me a very unhappy person for nearly 10 years or so. Then a friend saw me longingly staring at her coffee during brunch, did some research, and sent me a link to Tyler's, and I've been happily drinking Tyler's exclusively ever since. Tyler's acid free coffee is truly acid free (other brands are merely low-acid, which is NOT the same). yes, it's expensive AF. but I still can't have alcohol, and I simply equate/justify the extra expense (in my mind) to most people spending extra money on nicer liquors, etc. FINALLY, there's a coffee that doesn't make me feel sick for days after only a few sips of it. bonus - it doesn't stain my teeth, at all. I would recommend Tyler's to anyone who's had to quit coffee due to its acidity (if you can't even tolerate drinking low-acid or cold brew or chicory-coffee blends). Life does not have to be coffee-free, after all!