Page 1 - Reviews - NaturesPlus, Pedi-Active, Supplement for Active Children, Mixed Berry, 120 Chewable Tablets - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jul 21, 2023
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

My daughter is not fond of the flavour. HOWEVER, she says it’s better than the ‘gummy’ ones she’s tried (and the gummy ones had NO results). This brand however, it took a few weeks, but I have noticed a ‘slight’ improvement. She usually is VERY forgetful, disorganised, and cannot concentrate or focus from the ADHD, combined presentation. She has ADHD so severely, we are on a wait list to see a Doctor. But for now, she’s trying this Pedi-Active. I give her 2 in the morning, before she goes to school. But when I pick her up after school, I have noticed that she cannot concentrate at home. So after school, I now add 1 tablet to help ‘boost’ things for her. Usually within an hour of that 1 pill (3rd for the day), I will tell her to clean her room, or do certain things around the house. She tells me ‘wait a minute’ while she is playing games or busy on her phone. Shockingly, she ‘remembers’ to do the stuff afterwards and will go do the things I told her to do, even though I told her up to 30 minutes beforehand. So surprisingly, it does work a little bit. Not a game changer, but better than how she has was before. I’d always have to repeat myself about 5-6 times to remind her and help her memory. But with the Pedi-Active, I find that I do not have to say it so many times now. She actually tells me…….. “I know, you told me already.” And that is NEW, and the affect of the Pedi-Active. So it does help some. But it only lasts for a certain amount of hours.

Posted on Jan 29, 2024